Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe

Stuffed Mushrooms Recipes

Ingredients :

36 cap mushrooms, rinsed and patted dry, stalks removed

50 g butter

50 g green pepper, de-seeded and finely chopped

50 g onion, peeled and finely chopped

75 g fresh brown breadcrumbs

40 g walnuts or pecans, finely chopped

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp mixed herbs

1/2 tsp ground ginger

1 tsp Worcester sauce

25 g extra melted butter or margarine

Method :
  1. Arrange mushrooms on large, greased baking tray.
  2. Set oven to moderate, 350 F, Gas 4.
  3. Chop mushrooms stalks finely and leave aside for time being.
  4. Heat butter or margarine pan in pan.
  5. Add green pepper and onion.
  6. Fry gently until soft and just beginning to turn golden brown.
  7. Stir in chopped mushroom stalks, crumbs, nuts, salt, herbs, ginger and Worcester sauce.
  8. Mix thoroughly then spoon equal amounts on to mushrooms.
  9. Trickle a trace of melted butter or margarine over each then bake 1/4 hour.
  10. Place under a hot grill until tops crispen, allowing about 3 minutes.
  11. Transfer to a warm dish, put a cocktail stick into each and serve straight away.

Makes 36

Popular mushrooms form the basis of this fairly simple appetizer.


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