Add enough water to cover onions
and set aside to stand for 2 days.
Stir occasionally during standing
Drain onions and discard liquid.
Peel onions, place in a bowl and
pour over boiling water to cover.
Set aside to stand for 3 minutes,
then drain and repeat twice more using additional boiling water.
Pack onions into hot sterilized
jars and set aside.
To make vinegar, place white wine
vinegar, 1 tbsp salt, ginger, cloves, chilies, mustard seeds,
peppercorns and bay leaves in a large saucepan and bring to the
Reduce heat and simmer for 10
Remove pan from heat and set aside
to cool slightly, then pour liquid over onions in jars and seal.
Label when cold and store in a
cool dark place for 2 months before using.