Method :
Boil the corn cobs in salted water
until tender, then leave to cool. Melt the butter, and add the oil,
garlic and black pepper. Pour the mixture into a shallow
dish. Mix the breadcrumbs and parsley in
another shallow dish. Roll the corn cobs in the melted
butter mixture and then in the breadcrumbs. Grill the cobs under a high grill
until the breadcrumbs are golden.
Other Garlic Butter Ideas :
Partially cut through a French loaf at
regular intervals. Spread the garlic butter mixture between the slices
and bake in a moderate oven for 30 minutes. To make garlic croutons,
melt the garlic butter in a pan and add cubes of bread. Toss frequently
over a medium heat. When golden brown add to soups or salads. Drizzle
over chicken breasts before roasting.
Whether you are catering for
vegetarians or serving this with other meat dishes, it will disappear in
a flash. Even people who are not usually keen on corn on the cob have
been won over by this recipe.
Serves 6
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